I am currently supervising in my practice and at
QueerLifeSpace in San Francisco

Ethan Shen MFT Trainee:
Ethan Shen (ze/hir/hirs) is a queer and nonbinary Asian American who has recently graduated from the master’s program in Counseling Psychology at the University of San Francisco.
While Ethan’s graduate school training focused on western models of psychotherapy, ze is working to address mental health through a liberational framework that uplifts marginalized voices. Part of this work includes acknowledging the effects that colonization, imperialism, capitalism, and other supremacist structures have on the wellbeing of all people. Within this framework, Ethan also pulls from psychodynamic therapy, narrative therapy, feminist therapy, ACT, and IFS.
Ethan is a pre-licensed therapist, but ze is also a child of a working class mother, a second generation immigrant, an avid board and video gamer, a native Texan living in the Bay Area, a sibling, a friend, and a survivor of complex and intergenerational trauma.
Ze is also a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser; a boundaries advocate; a person of color who is learning to decolonize therapy; and a seeker of liberation through community, self-love, and joy. Ze is an imperfect person and believes that the process of “becoming” is a lifelong endeavor.
Ethan is excited and honored to help others unfold, examine, and lovingly hold the many nuanced and shifting layers that make us all beautiful, important, and human.